Direct Marketing Campaign

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Direct marketing is a type of advertising campaign that seeks to achieve a specific action in a selected group of consumers (such as an order, store or website visit, or a request for information) in response a communication action done by the marketer. Advertise with Mail Target Your Marketing Campaigns. Choose your audience and connect. Use the free Every Door Direct Mail ® (EDDM ®) mail route mapping tool to target addresses in specific areas, whether you're sending small business advertisements or large corporate mailings. Save money on marketing campaigns. World Water Day, Belgium. To celebrate World Water Day, the corporation's direct mail marketing.

Imagine your dream target audience. What do they do? They browse the web, text someone on social media, collect postcards, or, maybe, watch TV? It's not that we want to upset you, but chances are they do everything. Modern buyers slide across multiple channels several hundred times per day and expect to be treated equally well wherever they go.

Predictably, the patterns of customer behavior influence marketing campaign planning. To ensure a consistent message at all touchpoints, integrated marketing campaigns are essential. They help to build a solid brand image that is easy to recognize in any circumstances.

Market leaders have already discovered the power of integrated campaigns. You have definitely seen the renowned integrated marketing campaign examples of Reebok, Nike, Apple, and other world-class brands. Actually, according to recent research, leading companies are 1.5 times more likely to use integrated marketing and advertising technology than mainstream businesses. And it's not only about digital channels or social media marketing. Offline marketing tools, including digital direct mail services, also have a place in a modern integrated campaign.

Even Google, a marketing guru with 85% of revenue generated by advertising, uses digital direct mail services to promote its products. They know that the response rates of online channels are much lower than the response rates of integrated direct mail and regularly benefit from that.

Here is some good news. You don't need to be a tech giant to launch integrated direct mail campaigns. With Inkit's mail automation, anyone can do that. To make the start easier, today you'll learn:

  • What is integrated marketing?
  • Three ways to boost your integrated marketing with digital direct mail services
  • Best integrated marketing campaign examples with integrated direct mail

What Is Integrated Marketing?

Direct Marketing Campaign

Integrated marketing campaigns are strategies with the focus on seamless and consistent brand experience throughout the whole customer journey. The main goals are to create a strong recognizable brand image, provide easy access to information about products or services, and increase customer satisfaction. To achieve this, each marketing channel is included in a single integrated marketing strategy. As a result, the company communicates the same message in its content marketing materials, social media marketing campaigns, integrated direct mail, in-store-experience, and other channels. Unlike outdated marketing methods, an integrated marketing campaign:

  • Uses a clear, consistent voice across all marketing messages and interactions with the target audience
  • Focuses on a strong brand image
  • Combines offline and online media for brand promotion
  • Utilizes the same approach to customer service and experience across all channels

Note. When people talk about integrated marketing campaign examples, they often confuse cross-channel marketing and the omni-channel approach. In cross-channel marketing efforts, all channels are complementary during the entire customer journey, whereas in an omni-channel marketing strategy, customers can use several channels at the same time (e.g., a tailored mobile app in the store). Although both methods are based on the integration of several channels, omni-channel campaigns are more expensive and difficult to implement. In case you decide to use integrated direct mail in any of these subtypes, Inkit's mail automation can significantly help you with that. Check out more details in this Inkit's case study and continue reading to learn why digital direct mail services should be the basis of your integrated marketing campaign.

Three Ways to Boost Your Marketing with Digital Direct Mail Services

#1 – Overcoming Digital Fatigue and Banner Blindness

Constant media exposure makes consumers less sensitive to various ads and promotions. A bright online banner that used to grasp attention two decades ago, today, is very likely to be ignored. Luckily, the situation with direct mail is different. Most people still receive important documents by mail and regularly check their mailboxes for bank notices, reminders from their dentists, Christmas postcards, and other relevant mail pieces. This means they will definitely notice your postcard and, at least, take a moment to read the offer.

#2 – Attracting Millenials with Triggered Campaigns


Although it may sound surprising, 77% of millennials pay attention to direct mail advertising. At the same time, 47% of them name the Internet as the one thing they cannot live without. Digital direct mail services allow you to use the benefits of both marketing means in one integrated direct mail campaign. Thanks to direct mail automation, mail delivery can be synchronized with online events and actions. For example, you may automatically send a discount postcard immediately after a user abandons the cart or decides to unsubscribe.

Ready to captivate your customers?

Send personalized direct mail automatically based on customer actions.

#3 – Improving Targeting and Personalization

Moreover, the use of digital direct mail services in integrated marketing campaigns makes your message more personalized and improves targeting. To run integrated mail marketing campaigns, you will need to connect a mail automation tool with a CRM or marketing platform. This allows you to segment potential buyers, create customized marketing workflows, and even adapt the message on a per-customer basis. For example, if a CRM records that someone has a $20 credit, you can include this number on the delivered mail piece to show your special care. To learn more about the capabilities of Inkit's mail automation tool, check out the features page or schedule a demo.

Best Integrated Marketing Campaign Examples with the Use of Direct Mail

Practice makes perfect. Yet does everyone need to learn from their mistakes and start from scratch? We think No. That's why our team has collected the best-integrated marketing campaign examples that show how integrated direct mail works with other marketing channels.

Integrated Marketing Campaign Examples. Case 1. Integrated Direct Mail with QR Codes

Postcards with QR codes are among the most popular ways to drive more traffic to online channels using physical mail. Include the code that takes customers directly to your landing page, Google Maps location, or a discount coupon page to connect mail with your digital channels. As an alternative, you can personalize a link by creating a PURL that will take mail recipients to their dedicated landing pages. To print such tailored content, make sure to contract digital direct mail services that provide variable data printing.

Integrated Marketing Campaign Examples. Case 2. Integrated Direct Mail Tied to Email Marketing

Direct mail's average response rate is almost 10 times higher than the response rate of email marketing. This makes a significant difference when you need to interact with customers for the first time. So try using integrated direct mail to initiate the contact, and once this person shows interest in your offer (e.g., visits your website or social media account), continue with an email. Make sure to include a strong call-to-action to make the mail piece memorable and engage potential customers.

Integrated Marketing Campaign Examples. Case 3. Integrated Direct Mail to Greet Loyal Customers

If you run a loyalty program on your website or online store, integrated direct mail may be an excellent chance to show how you appreciate your customers' devotion. With mail automation, you can automatically print and deliver a personalized postcard, once someone joins your loyalty program. Consider enclosing a printed voucher with a small discount as a sign of gratitude.

In case you decide to use any of these models, Inkit can help you with the mail automation part. We provide state-of-the-art mailing services suitable for both simple one-time mailing and complex integrated direct mail campaigns. Click here to start testing Inkit today.

Ready to captivate your customers?

Send personalized direct mail automatically based on customer actions.

Running a direct mail marketing campaign isn't easy. If you're looking to get your company's message out there on as many eyes as possible, it's a pretty delicate process. You can't just print a couple hundred copies on the Xerox machine in the break room and start stuffing envelopes, after all. Maybe that used to work back in the 20th century, but not today!

21st century marketing means you have to do everything you can to get eyeballs on your marketing materials. That means avoiding getting your marketing just thrown out without another thought. You have to make your direct mail marketing campaign stand out, not just on its own but from all the other noise that your average consumer gets bombarded with on a daily basis.

Are you feeling even more confused? Ready to throw in the towel? Don't be. We have the best direct mail marketing campaign tips you need to unlock the potential of this excellent and effective medium. Here's what you need to know to get eyeballs on your marketing materials – and how to translate that into better sales conversions.

Direct Marketing Campaign Steps

The Rule of 40-40-20 for your Direct Mail Marketing Campaign

Marketing seems like magic, sometimes. But just because it's sometimes intuitive (and often counter-intuitive), there's still plenty of scientific basis for how to conduct good marketing. In fact, one of the most well-respected and widely-known formulas for success in marketing is as simple as it is precise: it's called the 40-40-20 rule.

Here's the breakdown. A successful direct mail marketing campaign relies on your list selection for 40%, your offer for another 40%, and then your creative execution for the last 20%. This means list-building and creating a truly attractive offer are each about twice as important as the creative presentation of your marketing mailer.

Sourcing the Best List Possible

So why is list sourcing so crucial? Well, you're not going to get very much traction unless you have a solid list of prospect addresses. It can be a challenge to put that list together in many instances, however. If you're marketing a new service to existing customers, for example, you're in rather good shape, but if you either lack that existing base or you're going in cold? It's not going to be anywhere as easy.

There are a couple of things you can do here. In one instance, you can conduct your own demographics research and discover which local neighborhoods are likely to have the type of prospective customers your products or services will appeal to. The quicker but more expensive route is to purchase a pre-existing consumer list. It's certainly an investment, but it might be just what you need to get started.

Get That Offer In Good Shape

So you've built your list as best as you can – now it's time to send your message. What message are you sending, though? You have to have a solid offer in place that will entice these recipients to act. It's got to be attractive, enticing, and speaks to a need the folks on your targeted list are likely to have.

Make sure your offer has added value. This is universal whether you're announcing new sales, offering rebates, or handing out discount codes – without added value, you might not have enough there to attract your prospects into taking the next step. If you can afford to offer it to your customers, do so – as long as you can recover any losses from discounts through sales volume, upsells, or any other tricks you may have up your sleeve.

Partner With a Creative Powerhouse

Marketing Campaign Examples

The majority of the job is done! Now you have that last 20% to get squared away – your creative presentation. This is the final glue that holds everything together, making your mailer look aesthetically pleasing and attractive. This is harder said than done, especially if you don't have any training as a graphic designer or something similar!

There's nothing that says you should be trying to do this on your own, of course. In fact, this is the best argument for finding a creative powerhouse to partner with that can handle the details of layout and editing. In this case, your best bet is a professional print studio with lots of experience in drafting, printing, and even fulfilling direct mail marketing campaign orders.

Choosing a fully-fledged print house is certainly an investment. However, it's almost certainly worth it – especially when you choose one that has full-service fulfillment options. When you've got expert help in designing, printing, and mailing your marketing materials, your life becomes so much easier – and your materials look so much more professional and attractive.

Direct Mail Campaign

Las Vegas Color Graphics and Your Next Direct Mail Marketing Campaign – A Perfect Match

Direct Marketing Campaign Management Software

Ready to step up your next direct mail marketing campaign? Las Vegas Color Graphics is a skilled, experienced, and dedicated print house that's been serving as the Las Vegas area's premier print partner for more than 40 years. We have what it takes to provide you with our signature design, printing, and fulfillment services.

Our talented graphic designers will take your next campaign idea and bring it to life while; our state-of-the-art offset and digital printing presses will provide you a wide range of choices and capabilities. Our fulfillment services will handle mailing your marketing materials out the door and to your prospects quickly and easily. Ready to learn more? Contact Las Vegas Color Graphics today!

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